Redefining Template Development: The TypeScript Transition

Hello to all creative minds who follow’s journey. I started to offer creative templates for Google Ad Manager. Our journey began in 2016 and has grown to 18 unique templates serving clients from over 50 countries.

In the beginning, I used technologies like PHP, Node, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to create templates. The templates were first made using JavaScript. After testing, PHP and Node modules helped to make the JavaScript code smaller and put it inside a GAM creative template file. But, as templates got more features, managing the code became hard.

To fix this, I decided to start using TypeScript. This change started with rewriting our most loved template – the Parallaxer (an interscroller) with TypeScript. The result was very good. TypeScript helped find more than 10 bugs, remove some not needed code, and made the code easier to read. The new TypeScript file for Parallaxer has more than 2000 lines. This shows how complicated templates could be to make the correct appearance on a lot of different website layouts on any device.

I am happy to say that other templates on will also be rewritten in TypeScript soon. This will help in making the code more readable and less buggy. It will also help to make sure the templates work well on different website layouts and devices.

I am excited about how TypeScript will help in improving our templates. I will keep looking for new ways to make better for you. Thank you for your support and for choosing for your creative template needs.

Thank you,
Aivars Zunde Owner and Web Developer,

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Last Updated on October 24, 2023 by