Introducing Cube: A Revolutionary 3D Template for Google Ad Manager Ads

Template for GAM: Cube

Discover the game-changing Cube template for Google Ad Manager (GAM) – designed to enhance user engagement and boost CTR. With its innovative 3D design and user-friendly swiping features, the Cube template is quickly becoming a popular choice for advertisers in Latvia and beyond. No technical expertise needed! Explore the key features and benefits of the Cube template and learn how it can transform your ad campaigns.

Recently, we released a new template for Google Ad Manager (GAM), called Cube. This innovative template is gaining popularity, particularly in Latvia, where cube ads have become a go-to format for a leading advertising agency.

But what makes cube ads so appealing? Swiping a cube banner on mobile devices feels like a mini-game. Users are naturally curious about the content on the other sides of the cube and can find out instantly by swiping – no waiting for a timer to run out. This interactive experience makes cube ads an excellent choice for increasing click-through rates (CTR).

The Cube template for GAM makes it simple to create a 3D cube ad without any technical knowledge. All you need is four images of the same size and a click-through URL. The template takes care of the rest, including swiping functionality, rotation, and more. Plus, the Cube template comes with numerous customization options to ensure the best appearance and user experience.

Key features of the Cube template include:

  • Creating a 3D cube from four same-sized images
  • Support for swiping with a mouse or touch gestures
  • Automatic completion of rotation when swiping ends
  • Responsiveness for various devices
  • Directional buttons for spinning control
  • Adjustable rotation speed
  • Automatic rotation every X seconds
  • Compatibility with Google Ad Manager’s “Active View” feature

We have plans to update the Cube template with additional features in future releases, such as vertical rotation (x-axis) and individual click URLs for each side of the cube.

The Cube template can be purchased separately or as part of our all-templates pack. If you’ve already purchased the all-templates pack, you can download the Cube template from your downloads page.

We welcome your feedback on the Cube template and would love to hear your ideas for new ad formats.

View GAM template CUBE product page.

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Last Updated on July 18, 2023 by